

Breanne拜纳姆 first walked into Delaware Tech in 2009 and knew exactly what she wanted to do…and then changed her mind five times over the next 13 years.

Bynum wanted to be a college graduate to ensure future success and expand her career opportunities. Figuring out whether that career would be as a nurse, a dental hygienist, a health care administrator, or something else, took a little bit of time.

"I always knew, regardless of whatever else I do, I had to finish school,拜纳姆说. "And I wasn't going to go to any of the other college's due to their higher tuition rates.

“加, the staff members at Delaware Tech were always wonderful, and they always made it feel welcoming to attend classes."

Despite changing her major, Bynum always maintained good academic standing. While taking a certification course for her current job working in an oral surgeon's office, she found herself interested in the medical information she was learning and had a desire to learn more. That's when she finally decided to go back to nursing as a degree and was determined not to stop until graduation.

"I've always enjoyed helping people, ever since my first job as a camp counselor at a camp for children with special needs,拜纳姆说. "I knew helping people was always going to be very important to me."

Bynum said nursing interests her the most because she can always continue to learn new skills and it's a career that has a vast array of job opportunities from working in patient care to administration.

During her time as a Delaware Tech student, Bynum is most proud of her ability to ask questions and ask for help, as well as her determination and persistence to never quit.

"I would tell other students to make sure and use all resources that are available," she said. "Talk to the librarians, the writing center and math center staff, all of your instructors…everyone is there to help you succeed, so do not feel stupid asking for help.

"Just remember you won't know everything, and no one is good at everything. Use your failures as fuel to improve and no matter how many failures you encounter, just keep going!"

毕业 in the spring of 2022 won't be the end of Bynum's educational journey. Now that she has finally found her career path, she plans to apply for Delaware Tech's Bachelor of Science in 护理 program. 在那之后, her nursing interests are in becoming a nurse practitioner, working in a neonatal intensive care unit, 或者在儿科.


